Saturday 10 May 2008

A Kanji - A Day (10.05.08)

Here we go with the next five Kanji. Number seven is interesting.

6. means "sound", "noise" or "music" and is read:

a) オン (on), e.g. 楽 (おんがく) / music
b) イン (in), e.g. 福 (ふくいん) / the Gospel

c) おと (oto), e.g. 沙汰がない (おとさたがない) / have heard no news
d) (ne), e.g. 色 (いろ) / timbre, a tone

7. means "bottom", "under", "underneath", "low", "go down", "fall" or "drop" and is read:

a) (ka), e.g. 降する (こうする) / fall, go down, drop, descend
b) (ge), e.g. 品な会話 (ひんなかいわ) / vulgar conversation, a coarse talk

c) した (shita), e.g. 心 (したごころ) / a secret intention, an ulterior motive
d) しも (shimo), e.g. 座 (しもざ) / the seat furthest from the seat of honor
e) もと (moto), e.g. 太陽ので (たいようのもとで) / under the sun
f) さがる (sagaru), e.g. 一歩下がる (いっぽさがる) / take a step backward
g) さげる (sageru), e.g. 頭を下げる (あたまをさげる) / apologize
h) くだる (kudaru), e.g. 川を下る (かわをくだる) / go down a river
i) くだす (kudasu), e.g. 命令を下す (めいれいをくだす) / issue orders,
j) くださる (kudasaru), e.g. 窓を開けて下さる? (まどをあけてくださる) / Could you open the window, please?
k) おろす (orosu), e.g. 預金を下ろす (よきんをおろす) / withdraw one's savings
l) おりる (oriru), e.g. 山を下りる (やまをおりる) / descend the mountain, go down the mountain

8. means "fire" or "flame" and is read:

a) (ou), e.g. 曜日 (ようび) / Tuesday
b) (ko), e.g. たつ (たつ) / a Japanese foot warmer

Kun-Yomi :
c) (hi), e.g. 花 (ばな) / a spark
d) (h0), e.g. 照る (てる) / feel hot, flush, be all aglow

9. means "flower" and is read:

a) (ka), e.g. 瓶 (びん) / a vase

b) はな (hana), e.g. 嫁 (はなよめ) / a bride

10. means "shellfish" and is read:

かい (kai), e.g. 殻 (かいがら) / a seashell, a sea shell

Speech examples can be found at the Japanese Kanji Dictionary.
Stroke order can be found at the Kanji Land.

First Class (10/80 signs): 一右雨円王音下火花貝学気休玉金九空月犬見五口校左三山四子糸字耳七車手十出女小上森人水正生青石赤先千川早草足村大男竹中虫町天田土二日入年白八百文本名木目夕立力林六

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