Monday 7 April 2008

Points of Interest 09. April, 2008

Unfortunately, I managed to destroy my Master Boot Record and therefore couldn't post anything yesterday. So here are some old ones:

Fossil find could be Europe’s first humans

MRI Species Study Offers Evidence for Gradualist Account


Btw, I'm currently working on a Neurosemantics/Neurosemiotics paper. I'll try to illustrate the representation of concepts in our brain and ask whether this is relevant for linguistic issues or not. Please be aware that Pete Mandik has posted an excellent bibliography of Neurosemantics. I have some small additions:

1. Kurthen, M. Neurosemantik: Grundlagen einer Praxiologischen Kognitiven Neurowissenschaft. Stuttgart: Enke, 1992.

2. Gallese, V. & Lakoff, G. "The Brain’s Concepts: The Role of the Sensory-Motor System in Reason and Language". In: Cognitive Neuropsychology, 2005, 22:455-479.

3. Favareau, D. "Beyond self and other: On the neurosemiotic emergence of intersubjectivity". In: Sign Systems Studies 30.1, 2002.

4. Poeppel, D. & Embick, D. Defining the relation between linguistics and neuroscience. [here]

5. Barsalou, L. W. Grounded Cognition. [here]


Thanks to Michael (Shared Symbolic Storage) who provided this list.

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